Family pictures
Like everybody else, I have a family, and here they are. Let's
start with my incredible mom, Nicole, who has recently become
American (way to go mom!) :

I pledge allegiance to the flag...
My mom and my step father David (blessed be his memory) :

With my mom in a Paris street :

Here's my mom again with an old buddy of hers, Buddha :

This is my cousin's little girl, Clementine (Oh my darling...),
and isn't she adorable ?

With my grandpa, my mom and my aunt in a French garden somewhere

And here's my cousin Philippe, his wife, and my mom at a French
train station :

Three generations of Huna's stand proud (the man with the hat is
Victor, my dad's uncle (may his memory be blessed) :

Regina was Victor's wife. She was also like a grandmother to me
in Brazil (may her memory be blessed) :

That Victor always knew how to crack me up :

Finally, here's a full pledged member of my family, my dog Kim
(this is an old picture of the brazilian Kim...) :

You can see more pictures if you wish :