Who the hell is
Emmanuel Huna?
Well, you asked for it... Here's some personal info about me :
General Details
Name : Emmanuel Huna
Date of Birth : 20/1/68
Place of Birth : Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Single
Current Home : San Francisco, CA in the US.
eMail : ehuna@ehuna.org
My Picture
Here's a picture of myself

Just kidding... :-) Here's the actual Emmanuel :

Short Life Story
Well, I was born in Brazil,
where I lived 'til the age of 14 (oh, those where happy years!).
From the age of 14-16 I lived in the US,
in San Francisco, California. There
I really learned to appreciate hamburgers, Coca-Cola, and
the 49ers (or the Raiders?). From the age of 16-19 I lived in France,
the first two years in Nice, and the last year in Paris (oui, oui, c'est
I lived in Israel for 10 years, from august '87 to november '97, and I loved that
country. (No my parents are not spies and my dad was not an
ambassador. Our traveling just happened. Stranger things
happen in life...). I worked as a computer progammer at SGH Multimedia Ltd.,
a Tel-Aviv based company that specialises in multi player
games for the Internet. The combination of highly technically
skilled programmers with the delicate artistic geniuses we have
at SGH, sure made me proud to be there, even if the company went bankrupt...
I am now back in the US. I work and live in San Francisco, CA where I am
the "Applications Development Manager" (fancy, eh?) in
a great company, Thinklink.
I can honestly say I took the best qualities from my travelling: I play
soccer like a Brazilian, I am romantic like a Frenchman, I am open
minded like an American, and I fight like an Israeli soldier... Some
people might say that I am open minded like a Frenchman, that I play
soccer like an American, that I am romantic like an Israeli, and that
I fight like a Brazilian, but that's only the people that
really know me well...
I think that's enough personal info for now. If you want more,
you'll have to ask for it.
More Pictures
This is actually a personal photo album, but if you are bored
can peek in :