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I am one of the software engineers at ThinkLink.com, a startup based in San Francisco, CA.
We have built a really cool communications tool that lets you access your email, voicemail and faxes over
the Internet or over the phone. On top of that we give you 5 cents a minute long distance, 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week with no monthly fees, hidden charges or minimum usage.
When my friends ask me to explain what Thinklink is, I always have to think twice about what features
to mention first. See, there are so many features, that I really have to be careful not to
describe Thinklink in such a way that will over simplify the product. For example, is listening to your email over the
phone better than getting free voicemail? Or is checking your voicemail on the Web better than
making 5 cents/minute long distance calls?
The best thing is that all of the services are free: you pay only for the long distance calls you make.
Here are some of ThinkLink's main features:
One place for all your messages
FREE Voicemail, Email and Fax
Check messages over the phone or on the Internet
Receive all your messages at one number, for FREE
Check messages while you're on the road with your personal 800#.
Hear and reply to email by phone
Place calls for just 5¢ a minute anytime, anywhere in the Continental U.S.
There are NO hidden or monthly fees
Check messages from your computer, or call your local phone number
to check messages over the phone
Expecting an important call? Calls made to your personal number can be forwarded to any phone
Expecting an important message? Set up your account to page
or email you when the message arrives
Got a pager? Callers can page you by dialing your personal phone number
Your friends get one number to call to reach you, leave you voicemail and page you
An 800# to reach you at no cost to them
A permanent email address where they can always reach you
Save $100 on your next airline ticket
So, what are you waiting for? Click here to signup - it doesn't cost a dime to get your ThinkLink and I'm sure you'll love it!
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